How Video Opens New Opportunities in Recruiting Talent

Posted by: on January 18, 2017 in Uncategorized

We live in the age of video. Every day we see some form of video. We see all of our entertainment through videos whether that be movies, TV series, advertisement or Face Time. Not only this but when we want to learn to do something we watch a video, we scroll past videos on Facebook approximately 200 times a day. One of the biggest websites we have is a video site, YouTube. A recent report by AT&T reported that 50% of the internet bandwidth is in use for video streaming.  Keeping up with current trends, recruiting industries also use videos as a source of recruitment.

Videography is a powerful medium that opens up opportunities for employment branding, content sharing, candidate reach and sharing resources.  A common misconception is that a video needs to be over-produced and expensive to have an impact, often the simplest videos end up giving the strongest messages. You just have to ensure that it resonates with the job seeker and support your talent acquisition team’s larger employment branding strategy.

Follow these strategies for effective video recruitment:

Embed Your Videos:

There are a lot of social mediums and it is a good approach to use all of them for your recruitment purposes. Embed your video on any and all social channels you can. Use platforms like Medium, LinkedIn, your company site, obviously, sites like Facebook and Twitter as well.

Video Introductions:

Use videos to introduce your company and the job that the candidate might be applying for. Another great approach is to ask the applicant to attach a video in their application introducing themselves. Doing this both ways adds a bit of personal and real touch to the whole process. This is also a good way of knowing how confident the applicant is and how well they can present their self.

Video Interviews:

Many companies are searching for talent outside of their geographical location so utilizing video as a method for conducting interviews is becoming more and more widely accepted.  Companies and candidates are embracing the idea of opening new opportunities via video interviewing that would otherwise have not been considered.